
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 14:52, 3 January 2025 by Shehu (talk | contribs)

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TA4TK:myTest/doc

-- Main table to hold all functions

local p = {}

function p.hello()
	local str = "Hello World!"
	return str

function p.renderFormula()
    local formula = "\\sin x" -- LaTeX formula

local sparql = require('SPARQL') -- Load the SPARQL binding

function p.querySPARQL()
    -- Define the SPARQL endpoint
    local endpoint = ""

    -- Define the SPARQL query
    local sparqlQuery = [[
        SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
            ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5;  -- Instance of 'human'
                  rdfs:label "Albert Einstein"@en.  -- Label is 'Albert Einstein'
            SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
        } LIMIT 1

    -- Encode the query for URL usage
    local url = endpoint .. "?query=" .. mw.uri.encode(sparqlQuery)

    -- Make the HTTP request
    local response = mw.http.get(url, {
        headers = {
            ["Accept"] = "application/json" -- Request JSON format

    -- Check for errors
    if response.status ~= 200 then
        return "Error: Failed to fetch data. Status code: " .. response.status

    -- Parse the JSON response
    local json = mw.text.jsonDecode(response.body)
    if not json then
        return "Error: Failed to parse JSON response."

    -- Process and return results
    local results = json.results.bindings
    if #results == 0 then
        return "No results found."

    -- Extract and format the first result
    local item = results[1].item.value
    local label = results[1].itemLabel.value
    return string.format("Item: %s (%s)", label, item)

return p