Muscle activation patterns are more constrained and regular in treadmill than in overground human locomotion (Q11972)

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Muscle activation patterns are more constrained and regular in treadmill than in overground human locomotion
Dataset published at Zenodo repository.


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    The use of motorized treadmills as convenient tools for the study of locomotion has been in vogue for many decades. However, despite the widespread presence of these devices in many scientific and clinical environments, a full consensus on their validity to faithfully substitute free overground locomotion is still missing. Specifically, little information is available on whether and how the neural control of movement is affected when humans walk and run on a treadmill as compared to overground. Here, we made use of linear and nonlinear analysis tools to extract information from electromyographic recordings during walking and running overground and on an instrumented treadmill. We extracted synergistic activation patterns from the muscles of the lower limb via non-negative matrix factorization. We then investigated how the motor modules (or time-invariant muscle weightings) were used in the two locomotion environments. Subsequently, we examined the timing of motor primitives (or time-dependent coefficients of muscle synergies) by calculating their duration, the time of main activation, and their Hurst exponent, a nonlinear metric derived from fractal analysis. We found that motor modules were not influenced by the locomotion environment, while motor primitives resulted overall more regular in treadmill than in overground locomotion, with the main activity of the primitive for propulsion shifted earlier in time. Our results suggest that the spatial and sensory constraints imposed by the treadmill environment forced the central nervous system to adopt a different neural control strategy than that used for free overground locomotion. A data-driven indication that treadmills induce perturbations to the neural control of locomotion. In thissupplementary data set we made available: a) the metadata with anonymized participant information; b) the raw EMG, already concatenated for the overground trials; c) the touchdown and lift-off timings of the recorded limb, d) the filtered and time-normalized EMG; e) the muscle synergies extracted via NMF; f) the code to process the data. In total, 120 trials from 30 participants are included in the supplementary data set. The file metadata.dat is available in ASCII and RData format and contains: Code: the participants code Sex: the participants sex (M or F) Locomotion: the type of locomotion (W=walking, R=running) Environment: to distinguish between overground (O) and treadmill (T) Speed: the speed at which the recordings were conducted in [m/s] (1.4 m/s for walking, 2.8 m/s for running) Age: the participants age in years Height: the participants height in [cm] Mass: the participants body mass in [kg]. The RAW_DATA.RDataR list consists of elements of S3 class EMG, each of which is a human locomotion trial containing cycle segmentation timings and raw electromyographic (EMG) data from 13 muscles of the right-side leg. Cycle times are structured as data frames containing two columns thatcorrespond to touchdown (first column) and lift-off (second column).Raw EMG data sets are also structured as data frames with one row for each recorded data pointand 14 columns. The first column contains the incremental time in seconds. The remaining 13 columns contain the raw EMG data, named with the following muscle abbreviations:ME = gluteus medius, MA = gluteus maximus, FL = tensor fasci lat, RF = rectus femoris, VM = vastus medialis, VL = vastus lateralis, ST = semitendinosus, BF = biceps femoris, TA = tibialis anterior, PL = peroneus longus, GM = gastrocnemius medialis, GL = gastrocnemius lateralis, SO = soleus. Please note that the running overground trials of participants P0001, P0007, P0008 and P0009 consist of21, 29, 29 and 26 cycles, respectively.All the other trialsconsist of 30 gait cycles. Trials are named like P0003_OR_01, where the characters P0003 indicate the participant number (in this example the 3rd), the characters OR indicate the locomotion type and environment (see above), and the numbers 01 indicate the trial number. The filtered and time-normalized emg data arenamed, following the same rules, like FILT_EMG_P0003_OR_01. Old versions not compatible with the R package musclesyneRgies The files containing the gait cycle breakdown are available in RData format, in the file named CYCLE_TIMES.RData. The files are structured as data frames with 30 rows (one for each gait cycle) and two columns. The first column contains the touchdown incremental times in seconds. The second column contains the duration of each stance phase in seconds. Each trial is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like CYCLE_TIMES_P0020_TW_01, where the characters CYCLE_TIMES indicate that the trial contains the gait cycle breakdown times, the characters P0020 indicate the participant number (in this example the 20th), the characters TW indicate the locomotion type and environment (O=overground, T=treadmill, W=walking, R=running), and the numbers 01 indicate the trial number. Please note that the running overground trials of participants P0001, P0007, P0008 and P0009 only contain 21, 29, 29 and 26 cycles, respectively. The files containing the raw, filtered, and the normalized EMG data are available in RData format, in the files named RAW_EMG.RData and FILT_EMG.RData. The raw EMG files are structured as data frames with 30000 rows (one for each recorded data point) and 14 columns. The first column contains the incremental time in seconds. The remaining 13 columns contain the raw EMG data, named with muscle abbreviations that follow those reported above. Each trial is saved as an element of a single R list. Trials are named like RAW_EMG_P0003_OR_01, where the characters RAW_EMG indicate that the trial contains raw emg data, the characters P0003 indicate the participant number (in this example the 3rd), the characters OR indicate the locomotion type and environment (see above), and the numbers 01 indicate the trial number. The filtered and time-normalized emg data is named, following the same rules, like FILT_EMG_P0003_OR_01. The files containing the muscle synergies extracted from the filtered and normalized EMG data are available in RData format, in the file named SYNS.RData. Each element of this R list represents one trial and contains the factorization rank (list element named synsR2), the motor modules (list element named M), the motor primitives (list element named P), the reconstructed EMG (list element named Vr), the number of iterations needed by the NMF algorithm to converge (list element named iterations), and the reconstruction quality measured as the coefficient of determination (list element named R2). The motor modules and motor primitives are presented as direct output of the factorization and not in any functional order. Motor modules are data frames with 13 rows (number of recorded muscles) and a number of columns equal to the number of synergies (which might differ from trial to trial). The rows, named with muscle abbreviations that follow those reported above, contain the time-independent coefficients (motor modules M), one for each synergy and for each muscle. Motor primitives are data frames with 6000 rows and a number of columns equal to the number of synergies (which might differ from trial to trial) plus one. The rows contain the time-dependent coefficients (motor primitives P), one column for each synergy plus the time points (columns are named e.g. time, Syn1, Syn2, Syn3, where Syn is the abbreviation for synergy). Each gait cycle contains 200 data points, 100 for the stance and 100 for the swing phase which, multiplied by the 30 recorded cycles, result in 6000 data points distributed in as many rows. This output is transposed as compared to the one discussed in the methods section to improve user readability. Trials are named like SYNS_ P0012_OW_01, where the characters SYNS indicate that the trial contains muscle synergy data, the characters P0012 indicate the participant number (in this example the 12th), the characters OW indicate the locomotion type and environment (see above), and the numbers 01 indicate the trial number. Given the nature of the NMF algorithm for the extraction of muscle synergies, the supplementary data set might show non-significant differences as compared to the one used for obtaining the results of this paper. All the code used for the pre-processing of EMG data and the extraction of muscle synergies is available in R format. Explanatory comments are profusely present throughout the script muscle_synergies.R.
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    17 June 2022
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