geographic coordinate system (Q3427)

From MaRDI portal
system to specify locations on Earth
  • coordinates
  • geo co-ordinates
  • geo coordinates
  • geo position
  • geo-co-ordinates
  • geo-coordinates
  • geographic co-ordinates
  • geographic coordinate
  • geographic coordinates
  • geographic coördinate system
  • geographic location
  • geographic reference point
  • geographic reference points
  • geographic references
  • geographical area
  • geographical co-ordinates
  • geographical coordinate system
  • geographical coordinates
  • global coordinated system
  • grid coordinates
  • lat lon
  • lat-lon
  • lat-long
  • latitude and longitude
  • longitude and latitude
  • world longtitude and latitude maps
  • geodetic coordinate system
Language Label Description Also known as
geographic coordinate system
system to specify locations on Earth
  • coordinates
  • geo co-ordinates
  • geo coordinates
  • geo position
  • geo-co-ordinates
  • geo-coordinates
  • geographic co-ordinates
  • geographic coordinate
  • geographic coordinates
  • geographic coördinate system
  • geographic location
  • geographic reference point
  • geographic reference points
  • geographic references
  • geographical area
  • geographical co-ordinates
  • geographical coordinate system
  • geographical coordinates
  • global coordinated system
  • grid coordinates
  • lat lon
  • lat-lon
  • lat-long
  • latitude and longitude
  • longitude and latitude
  • world longtitude and latitude maps
  • geodetic coordinate system


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