inception (P112)

From MaRDI portal
time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619
  • instantiation date
  • date founded
  • date created
  • foundation
  • created
  • date of foundation
  • date of creation
  • established
  • establishment date
  • foundation date
  • creation date
  • date of establishment
  • founding date
  • date of founding
  • date formed
  • formation date
  • formed on date
  • founded on date
  • established on date
  • created on date
  • commencement date
  • date commenced
  • commenced on date
  • date of commencement
  • time of foundation or creation
  • date of foundation or creation
  • written on date
  • time of inception
  • year founded
  • year created
  • year written
  • year commenced
  • year established
  • date constructed
  • construction date
  • constructed
  • formation
  • dedication date
  • formed in
  • formed at
  • introduced
  • introduction
  • completed
  • first issue
  • built
  • foundation / creation date
  • founded
  • founded in
  • broke ground
  • initiated
  • composed
  • date of origin
  • created on
  • founded on
  • formed on
  • made on
  • created in
  • date of inception
  • inception date
  • year of inception
  • day of inception
  • year of creation
  • creation year
  • first created on
  • date first created
  • made in year
  • created in year
  • formed in year
  • launch date
  • installated in
  • installated on
  • installation date
  • start date
  • starting date
  • initial release date
Language Label Description Also known as
time when an entity begins to exist; for date of official opening use P1619
  • instantiation date
  • date founded
  • date created
  • foundation
  • created
  • date of foundation
  • date of creation
  • established
  • establishment date
  • foundation date
  • creation date
  • date of establishment
  • founding date
  • date of founding
  • date formed
  • formation date
  • formed on date
  • founded on date
  • established on date
  • created on date
  • commencement date
  • date commenced
  • commenced on date
  • date of commencement
  • time of foundation or creation
  • date of foundation or creation
  • written on date
  • time of inception
  • year founded
  • year created
  • year written
  • year commenced
  • year established
  • date constructed
  • construction date
  • constructed
  • formation
  • dedication date
  • formed in
  • formed at
  • introduced
  • introduction
  • completed
  • first issue
  • built
  • foundation / creation date
  • founded
  • founded in
  • broke ground
  • initiated
  • composed
  • date of origin
  • created on
  • founded on
  • formed on
  • made on
  • created in
  • date of inception
  • inception date
  • year of inception
  • day of inception
  • year of creation
  • creation year
  • first created on
  • date first created
  • made in year
  • created in year
  • formed in year
  • launch date
  • installated in
  • installated on
  • installation date
  • start date
  • starting date
  • initial release date

Data type

Point in time


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