work location (P156)

From MaRDI portal
location where persons or organisations were actively participating in employment, business or other work
  • workplace
  • place of activity
  • active in
  • location of work
  • place of work
  • working at
  • work place
  • work residence
  • place of employment
  • work area
  • conducts business at
  • conducts business in
  • works from
  • works at
  • worked from
  • worked at
  • working from
  • does work from
  • does work at
  • did work from
  • did work at
  • location
  • stationed at
Language Label Description Also known as
work location
location where persons or organisations were actively participating in employment, business or other work
  • workplace
  • place of activity
  • active in
  • location of work
  • place of work
  • working at
  • work place
  • work residence
  • place of employment
  • work area
  • conducts business at
  • conducts business in
  • works from
  • works at
  • worked from
  • worked at
  • working from
  • does work from
  • does work at
  • did work from
  • did work at
  • location
  • stationed at

Data type



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