educated at (P178)

From MaRDI portal
educational institution attended by subject
  • alma mater
  • education
  • alumni of
  • alumna of
  • college attended
  • University attended
  • school attended
  • studied at
  • graduate of
  • graduated from
  • faculty
  • place of education
  • alumnus of
  • attended
  • went to school at
  • schooled at
  • attended school at
  • schooling place
  • education place
  • student of
  • student at
Language Label Description Also known as
educated at
educational institution attended by subject
  • alma mater
  • education
  • alumni of
  • alumna of
  • college attended
  • University attended
  • school attended
  • studied at
  • graduate of
  • graduated from
  • faculty
  • place of education
  • alumnus of
  • attended
  • went to school at
  • schooled at
  • attended school at
  • schooling place
  • education place
  • student of
  • student at

Data type



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