quantity (P302)

From MaRDI portal
number of instances of this subject in the universe of the subject (the actual number of instances in Wikidata may be lower or higher)
  • qty
  • total number
  • number of instances
  • number
  • amount
  • total
  • count
  • multiplicity
  • number of occurrencies
  • instances
  • occurrences
  • number of copies
  • copies
Language Label Description Also known as
number of instances of this subject in the universe of the subject (the actual number of instances in Wikidata may be lower or higher)
  • qty
  • total number
  • number of instances
  • number
  • amount
  • total
  • count
  • multiplicity
  • number of occurrencies
  • instances
  • occurrences
  • number of copies
  • copies

Data type



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