of (P313)

From MaRDI portal
(This property is being deprecated, see details at WD:P642) qualifier stating that a statement applies within the scope of a particular item
  • scope
  • in
  • in the scope of
  • within the scope of
  • in scope of
  • within scope of
  • applies to
  • for
  • of or for or applies to
  • applicable to
  • applicable for
  • used for
Language Label Description Also known as
(This property is being deprecated, see details at WD:P642) qualifier stating that a statement applies within the scope of a particular item
  • scope
  • in
  • in the scope of
  • within the scope of
  • in scope of
  • within scope of
  • applies to
  • for
  • of or for or applies to
  • applicable to
  • applicable for
  • used for

Data type



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