applicable 'stated in' value (P331)

From MaRDI portal
value suitable for "stated in" (P248) when property is used in references to refer to the primary publication/website/database associated with the property
  • applicable stated in value
  • applicable "stated in" value
  • applicable P248 value
  • corresponding P248 value
  • stated in value
  • 'stated in' value
  • applicable database
  • stated in database
  • corresponding database
Language Label Description Also known as
applicable 'stated in' value
value suitable for "stated in" (P248) when property is used in references to refer to the primary publication/website/database associated with the property
  • applicable stated in value
  • applicable "stated in" value
  • applicable P248 value
  • corresponding P248 value
  • stated in value
  • 'stated in' value
  • applicable database
  • stated in database
  • corresponding database

Data type



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