creator (P338)

From MaRDI portal
maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)
  • artist (non-musical)
  • created by
  • painter
  • sculptor
  • made by
  • painted by
  • sculpted by
  • visual artist
  • art by
  • artwork by
  • art work by
  • realized by
  • realised by
  • drawer
  • drawn by
  • by
Language Label Description Also known as
maker of this creative work or other object (where no more specific property exists)
  • artist (non-musical)
  • created by
  • painter
  • sculptor
  • made by
  • painted by
  • sculpted by
  • visual artist
  • art by
  • artwork by
  • art work by
  • realized by
  • realised by
  • drawer
  • drawn by
  • by

Data type



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