X username (P378)

From MaRDI portal
this item's username on X (formerly Twitter); do not include the “@” symbol
  • X handle
  • Twitter username
  • Twitter handle
  • Twitter account
  • X account
  • https://twitter.com/
  • twitter.com/
  • TWT username
  • Twitter (X) username
  • https://x.com/
  • x.com/
Language Label Description Also known as
X username
this item's username on X (formerly Twitter); do not include the “@” symbol
  • X handle
  • Twitter username
  • Twitter handle
  • Twitter account
  • X account
  • https://twitter.com/
  • twitter.com/
  • TWT username
  • Twitter (X) username
  • https://x.com/
  • x.com/

Data type

External identifier


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