LoC and MARC vocabularies ID (P521)

From MaRDI portal
identifier for an item in one of the controlled vocabularies maintained by the Library of Congress
  • Library of Congress and MARC vocabularies ID
  • LoC and MARC vocabularies identifier
  • Library of Congress and MARC vocabularies identifier
  • MARC vocabularies ID
  • MARC vocabularies identifier
  • LC and MARC vocabularies ID
  • LC/MARC vocabularies ID
Language Label Description Also known as
LoC and MARC vocabularies ID
identifier for an item in one of the controlled vocabularies maintained by the Library of Congress
  • Library of Congress and MARC vocabularies ID
  • LoC and MARC vocabularies identifier
  • Library of Congress and MARC vocabularies identifier
  • MARC vocabularies ID
  • MARC vocabularies identifier
  • LC and MARC vocabularies ID
  • LC/MARC vocabularies ID

Data type

External identifier


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