object named as (P574)

From MaRDI portal
use as qualifier to indicate how the object's value was given in the source
  • printed as
  • original wording
  • as
  • reference wording
  • source wording
  • credited as
  • sic
  • [sic]
  • object stated as
  • stated author
  • stated as
  • originally printed as
  • object value stated as
  • value stated as
  • named as
  • object named as
  • object name string
  • place name string
  • location name string
  • author named as
Language Label Description Also known as
object named as
use as qualifier to indicate how the object's value was given in the source
  • printed as
  • original wording
  • as
  • reference wording
  • source wording
  • credited as
  • sic
  • [sic]
  • object stated as
  • stated author
  • stated as
  • originally printed as
  • object value stated as
  • value stated as
  • named as
  • object named as
  • object name string
  • place name string
  • location name string
  • author named as

Data type



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