The following pages link to MaRDI publication profile (Q822):
Displaying 50 items.
- Hyperelliptic jacobians and projective linear Galois groups (Q1064) (← links)
- Automorphisms of Finite Order on Rational Surfaces (Q1066) (← links)
- Exponents of an irreducible plane curve singularity (Q1067) (← links)
- Rel\`evement galoisien des rev\^etements de courbes nodales (Q1069) (← links)
- ADE-bundles over rational surfaces, configuration of lines and rulings (Q1071) (← links)
- A Pieri-type Formula for the Equivariant Cohomology of the Flag Manifold (Q1073) (← links)
- The natural metric in the Horrocks-Mumford bundle is not Hermitian-Einstein (Q1076) (← links)
- Equations of Parametric Surfaces via Syzygies (Q1078) (← links)
- Semi-infinite Hodge structures and mirror symmetry for projective spaces (Q1080) (← links)
- Symmetry, splitting rational places in extensions of function fields and generalization of the Hermitian function field (Q1082) (← links)
- On polytopes simple in edges (Q1084) (← links)
- Inverse Problem for semisimple Frobenius Manifolds, Monodromy Data and the Painleve' VI Equation (Q1086) (← links)
- On some $\cal D$-modules in dimension 2 (Q1089) (← links)
- On the algebraicization of certain Stein manifolds (Q1092) (← links)
- An example of a non acyclic Koszul complex of a module (Q1094) (← links)
- A Lecture about classification of Lorentzian Kac-Moody algebras of the rank three (Q1097) (← links)
- Transform\'ee de Mellin des int\'egrales-fibres associ\'ees aux singularit\'es isol\'ees d'intersection coml\`ete quasihomog\`ene (Q1099) (← links)
- Three mathematical faces of SU(2) - spin networks (Q1101) (← links)
- 2-extensions with many points (Q1103) (← links)
- On The Geometric Monodromy Of The Milnor Fibre (Q1105) (← links)
- Arrangements, Milnor Fibers and Polar Curves (Q1107) (← links)
- The approach of St"ohr-Voloch to the Hasse-Weil bound with applications to optimal curves and plane arcs (Q1109) (← links)
- Equisingular Deformations of Plane Curve and of Sandwiched Singularities (Q1111) (← links)
- Arbres de Hurwitz et automorphismes d'ordre p des disques et des couronnes p-adiques formels (Q1112) (← links)
- Analogues of Lehmer's conjecture in positive characteristic (Q1114) (← links)
- Connexion de Gauss-Manin associ\'ee \`a la d\'eformationverselle de la singularit\'e et z\'erosde l'int\'egrale hyperelliptique (Q1115) (← links)
- Toric Varieties in Hilbert Schemes (Q1117) (← links)
- Hypersurface complements, Milnor fibers and minimality of arrangements (Q1118) (← links)
- Invariance of plurigenera of varieties with nonngative Kodaira dimensions (Q1119) (← links)
- Picard numbers in a family of hyperk\"ahler manifolds - A supplement to the article of R. Borcherds, L. Katzarkov, T. Pantev, N. I. Shepherd-Barron (Q1120) (← links)
- Symplectic resolutions: deformations and birational maps (Q1122) (← links)
- Hypersurfaces and generalized deformations (Q1124) (← links)
- Random Sparse Polynomial Systems (Q1126) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields (Introduction) (Q1129) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 1: Higher dimensional local fields (Q1131) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section A: Appendix to Section 2 (Q1134) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 4: Cohomological symbol for henselian discrete valuation fields of mixed characteristic (Q1136) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 5: Kato's higher local class field theory (Q1137) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 7: Parshin's higher local class field theory in characteristic p (Q1138) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 8: Explicit formulas for the Hilbert symbol (Q1140) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 9: Exponential maps and explicit formulas (Q1141) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 10: Explicit higher local class field theory (Q1142) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 11: Generalized class formations and higher class field theory (Q1144) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 12: Two types of complete discrete valuation fields (Q1145) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 14: Explicit abelian extensions of complete discrete valuation fields (Q1146) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 16: Higher class field theory without using K-groups (Q1147) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 17: An approach to higher ramification theory (Q1148) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part I, section 18: On ramification theory of monogenic extensions (Q1150) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part II, section 1: Higher dimensional local fields and L-functions (Q1152) (← links)
- Invitation to higher local fields, Part II, section 2: Adelic constructions for direct images of differentials and symbols (Q1154) (← links)