The following pages link to MaRDI publication profile (Q822):
Displaying 50 items.
- Exploring heterogeneity and expectations in technical progress – an exercise in agentization (Q806) (← links)
- On the multiplicity of terminal singularities on threefolds (Q827) (← links)
- Stability and BPS branes (Q831) (← links)
- Towards an Algebraic Classification of Calabi-Yau Manifolds I: Study of K3 Spaces (Q836) (← links)
- Noncommutative Riemann Surfaces (Q841) (← links)
- Standard-Model Bundles on Non-Simply Connected Calabi--Yau Threefolds (Q846) (← links)
- Integrability, Seiberg-Witten Models and Picard-Fuchs Equations (Q847) (← links)
- Mirror Symmetry, D-Branes and Counting Holomorphic Discs (Q850) (← links)
- N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory on Orbifold-$T^4/{\bf Z}_2$ (Q853) (← links)
- The elliptic curve in the S-duality theory and Eisenstein series for Kac-Moody groups (Q855) (← links)
- Numerical trivial fibrations (Q857) (← links)
- Lattices and Parameter Reduction in Division Algebras (Q860) (← links)
- Affine surfaces with isomorphic cylinders (Q863) (← links)
- Convex lattice polytopes and cones with few lattice points inside, from a birational geometry viewpoint (Q865) (← links)
- A remark on the Chisini conjecture (Q867) (← links)
- Deformations of chiral algebras and quantum cohomology of toric varieties (Q870) (← links)
- Bloch's Conjecture and Chow Motives (Q872) (← links)
- On the Splitting Type of an Equivariant Vector Bundle over a Toric Manifold (Q875) (← links)
- L^2-Riemann-Roch Inequalities for Covering Manifolds (Q879) (← links)
- The Alexander polynomial of a plane curve singularity and the ring of functions on it (Q883) (← links)
- Espace des modules des faisceaux semi-stables de rang 2 et de classes de Chern $c_{1}=0$, $c_{2}=2$ et $c_{3}=0$ sur une hypersurface cubique lisse de $\mathbb{P}^{4}$ (Q885) (← links)
- L^2 Cohomology on coverings of a compact K\"ahler manifold (Q888) (← links)
- An automorphic form related to cubic surfaces (Q890) (← links)
- Lectures on Factorization of Birational Maps (Q892) (← links)
- Virtual Gromov-Witten Invariants and the Quantum Cohomology Rings of General Type Projective Hypersurfaces (Q893) (← links)
- A W(E_6)-equivariant projective embedding of the moduli space of cubic surfaces (Q895) (← links)
- On quadratic and higher normality of small codimension projective varieties (Q897) (← links)
- A note on the crystalline subrepresentation functor (Q900) (← links)
- Seshadri constant for a family of surfaces (Q902) (← links)
- Asymptotic growth of the number of classes of real plane algebraic curves when the degree increases (Q905) (← links)
- Logarithmic Kodaira-Akizuki-Nakano vanishing and Arakelov-Parshin boundedness for singular varieties (Q907) (← links)
- Macaulay 2 and the geometry of schemes (Q910) (← links)
- Projective generation and smoothness of congruences of order 1 (Q913) (← links)
- The global indices of log Calabi-Yau varieties --A supplement to Fujino's paper: The indices of log canonical singularities-- (Q915) (← links)
- Gorenstein models of del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1 over Dedekind schemes (Q917) (← links)
- Definitive Computation of Bernstein-Sato Polynomials (Q919) (← links)
- Euler systems of K_2 of CM elliptic curves (Q921) (← links)
- Gerbes of chiral differential operators. II (Q923) (← links)
- Remarks on plane maximal curves (Q927) (← links)
- Proof of the Rokhlin's Conjecture on Arnold's surfaces (Q929) (← links)
- Courbes rationnelles sur les vari\'et\'es homog\`enes et une d\'esingularisation plus fine des vari\'et\'es de Schubert (Q931) (← links)
- Explicit upper bound for the Weil-Petersson volumes (Q933) (← links)
- Special Lagrangian submanifolds and Algebraic complexity one Torus Actions (Q935) (← links)
- Holomorphic Jet Bundles (Q938) (← links)
- Affine embeddings of homogeneous spaces (Q941) (← links)
- Witten's Geometric Quantization of the Moduli of CY Threefolds (Q943) (← links)
- Ray Singer Analytic Torsion of Calabi Yau manifolds I (Q945) (← links)
- Ray Singer Analytic Torsion of CY Manifolds II (Q947) (← links)
- Torsion Elements in the Mapping Class Group of a Surface (Q949) (← links)
- Resultats sur la dualite etrange sur le plan projectif (Q951) (← links)