The following pages link to dataset version identifier (P1091):
Displaying 50 items.
- A collection of text embeddings of the arXiv corpus by title and abstract (Q5620) (← links)
- Input data for: Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. (Q5678) (← links)
- Output data from: Combining global tree cover loss data with historical national forest-cover maps to look at six decades of deforestation and forest fragmentation in Madagascar. (Q5680) (← links)
- The effect of a political crisis on performance of community- and state-managed forests in Madagascar (Q5701) (← links)
- Forest Map of New Caledonia (Q5712) (← links)
- Impact of algorithm choice in morphological phylogenetic analysis with inapplicable data (Q5716) (← links)
- Supplementary Data to Dual clumped isotope thermometry resolves kinetic biases in carbonate formation temperatures (Q5737) (← links)
- The Animal Chromosome Count Database (Q5765) (← links)
- Supplementary Data to Devils Hole calcite was precipitated at ±1 °C stable aquifer temperatures during the last half million years (Q5766) (← links)
- Supplementary Data to Kinetic oxygen isotope fractionation between water and aqueous OH- during hydroxylation of CO2 (Q5794) (← links)
- Quantitative and Biological survey of sexual health needs of female sex workers reached by two NGOs in Côte d'Ivoire (ANRS 12361 PrEP-CI) (Q5810) (← links)
- iEEG Data for "Functional Group Bridge for Simultaneous Regression and Support Estimation" (Q5814) (← links)
- ATLAS Enquête Coupons - enquête pilote (Q5820) (← links)
- Sample WebAssembly Data Files for Reproducible Analysis and Visualization of iEEG (RAVE) (Q5843) (← links)
- A new spiralian phylogeny places the enigmatic arrow worms in gnathiferans (Q5853) (← links)
- The origin and diversification of pteropods predate past perturbations in the Earth's carbon cycle (Q5883) (← links)
- Analysis of the P. lividus sea urchin genome highlights contrasting trends of genomic and regulatory evolution in deuterostomes (Q5941) (← links)
- Single-cell atlases of two lophotrochozoan larvae highlight their complex evolutionary histories (Q5950) (← links)
- ScRAPv20230731: Telomere-to-telomere assemblies of 142 strains characterize the genome structural landscape in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Q5969) (← links)
- Data from 'From mallees to mountain ash, specific leaf area is coordinated with eucalypt tree stature, resprouting, stem construction, and fruit size' (Q5983) (← links)
- The ScRAP yeast reference pangenome graphs (Q6034) (← links)
- Bird migration case study dataset v1.1 (Q6041) (← links)
- GRTS master sample for habitat monitoring in Flanders (Q6066) (← links)
- ParisParl Corpus of Parliamentary Debates (Q6090) (← links)
- AustroParl Corpus of Parliamentary Debates (Q6093) (← links)
- United National General Assembly Corpus (UNGA) (Q6095) (← links)
- RegioParl Corpus of Parliamentary Debates in Germany's Regional Parliaments (2000-2012) (Q6097) (← links)
- MigParl. A Corpus of Speeches on Migration and Integration in Germany's Regional Parliaments (Q6099) (← links)
- Species occurrence and occupancy in protected areas of the Natura2000 network in Belgium (Q6102) (← links)
- A pancancer survey of cell line - tumor similarity by feature-weighted genomic profiles (Q6123) (← links)
- GermaParl Sample Corpus (Q6170) (← links)
- scPerturb Single-Cell Perturbation Data: ATAC files (Q6184) (← links)
- BioStars Posts API Output (Q6199) (← links)
- Mapping the planet's critical areas for biodiversity and people (Q6214) (← links)
- PDST sensor files European eel (Anguilla anguilla) Belgium (Q6219) (← links)
- Occurrence cubes for non-native taxa in Belgium and Europe (Q6284) (← links)
- Occurrence cubes at species level for European countries (Q6287) (← links)
- Prioritized lists of alien species in Belgium and its regions (Q6316) (← links)
- GermaParl Corpus of Plenary Protocols (Q6318) (← links)
- scPerturb Single-Cell Perturbation Data: RNA and protein h5ad files (Q6323) (← links)
- Open ruimte voor de monitoring van patrijs in Vlaanderen (Q6330) (← links)
- Telblokken voor de monitoring van patrijs in Vlaanderen (Q6331) (← links)
- Supplementary data for "Scalable eQTL mapping using single-nucleus RNA-sequencing of recombined gametes from a small number of individuals" (Q6346) (← links)
- BirdVox-full-night: a dataset for avian flight call detection in continuous recordings (Q6352) (← links)
- BirdVox-scaper-10k: a synthetic dataset for multilabel species classification of flight calls from 10-second audio recordings (Q6365) (← links)
- DCASE 2021 Task 5: Few-shot Bioacoustic Event Detection Development Set (Q6388) (← links)
- BirdVox-296h: a large-scale dataset for detection and classification of flight calls (Q6392) (← links)
- Transcripts (MS Word and RData versions) for "A nationalist-conservative grammar of change?" (Q6394) (← links)
- Datasets accompanying the book Bulgarians' fight against inflation A case study in economics' (poor) understanding of post-socialism (2022) by Fabio Ashtar Telarico (Q6396) (← links)
- BirdVox-25SD: a dataset of flight calls with species annotations (Q6400) (← links)